Encephalitis International is PIF TICK accredited

Encephalitis International is proud to be accredited with the PIF TICK.
What is PIF TICK?
PIF TICK is a UK quality mark for reliable health information. Encephalitis International has received this accreditation from the Patient Information Forum (PIF), which means our health information is trustworthy.
Why is it important?
The PIF TICK accreditation helps people find accurate and trusted sources of health information.
How did we get PIF TICK?
Encephalitis International went through a careful evaluation process by the Patient Information Forum (PIF). They checked that our information meets their strict standards for trustworthiness.
How do we create trustworthy information?
Encephalitis International follows the 10 PIF TICK criteria which are as follows:
- Systems: Information is created using a consistent and documented process.
- Training: Staff receive ongoing training and support.
- Need: Resources meet a genuine need.
- Evidence: Information is based on reliable, up-to-date evidence which is communicated clearly.
- Involving users: Users are involved in the development of information.
- Health inequalities: Information is written to meet health literacy, digital inclusion, language and accessibility needs of the audience.
- Transparency and legal: Information complies with GDPR, promotion of medicines and other regulations.
- Feedback: There is a clear process for users to provide feedback.
- Disseminating: Information is promoted to maximise reach.
- Impact: The impact of information is measured.
Where will the PIF TICK be displayed?
All the information we create that follows the aforementioned criteria will get the PIF TICK mark.
Keep an eye on our website and resources to see the PIF TICK popping up on more of our information in the future.