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Effects of Encephalitis

Effects of encephalitis

How the brain works

Explore the intricacies of how the brain works and how encephalitis can affect its delicate balance. This section provides an accessible explanation of the brain’s structure, its protective mechanisms, and the effects of infection and inflammation. Gain a clearer understanding of how encephalitis impacts brain function and the challenges it presents

Brain scan

After-effects of encephalitis

Understand the wide-ranging after-effects of encephalitis and how they can impact daily life. This section delves into the potential physical, cognitive, emotional, and behavioural challenges individuals may face, from fatigue and memory difficulties to mood changes and social adjustments. Explore how acquired brain injury (ABI) varies from person to person and learn about the broader social consequences and ongoing research into these impacts.

woman receiving physiotherapy

Death from encephalitis

Encephalitis is a serious neurological condition with a high mortality rate, depending on factors such as its cause, the individual’s health, and the treatment provided. This section explores the challenges in treating encephalitis and the factors contributing to its high mortality, including brain swelling and pressure on vital brain functions. It also highlights the support available for bereaved families, including virtual gatherings and resources to help cope with loss.

bouquet of flowers

Effects on learning and school life

Encephalitis can significantly impact a child’s learning and school life, with acquired brain injury (ABI) affecting their abilities, behaviour, and confidence. Challenges such as fatigue, memory issues, difficulty concentrating, and behavioural changes may emerge, sometimes only becoming apparent years after the illness. These difficulties can lead to misunderstandings, isolation, and increased educational needs. Transitions, like moving to secondary school, can be particularly challenging for children with ABI. Understanding and support from teachers and peers are essential.

boy in a classroom

Mental health and encephalitis

Mental health plays a vital role in our overall wellbeing, and encephalitis can have a profound impact on it. This section explores how encephalitis may lead to mental health challenges both during the acute phase and in recovery. Changes in brain function, the emotional impact of a life-threatening illness, and adjusting to new abilities can all contribute to difficulties like anxiety, depression, and behavioural changes. Learn about recognising signs, managing symptoms, and accessing the many forms of support available to help navigate this journey.

man with clasped hands
Page Created: 20 October 2023
Last Modified: 4 December 2024
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