Past Webinars
Read below to find out about the webinar events we have held in the past for our Professional community!
Webinar: Japanese Encephalitis (JEV) Masterclass
Japanese Encephalitis (JEV) Masterclass
6th April 2022
This was a masterclass is aimed at healthcare professionals of all levels, including medical students, neurologists, epidemiologists, infectious disease specialists, emergency practitioners and nurses who wanted to discover more about the condition.
The panel of experts and topics included:
Managing adult patients affected by Japanese encephalitis – Professor Tom Solomon CBE, Director of the National Institute for Health Research Health Protection Research Unit in Emerging and Zoonotic Infections; Head of the Brain Infections Group; Professor of Neurological Science; Honorary Consultant Neurologist, Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust and Royal Liverpool University Hospital, UK
Latest developments on recent outbreak in Australia – Professor Tissa Wijeratne, Editor-in -Chief, Neurology International MDPI; Chair, World Brain Day Committee, World Federation Neurology; Chair, Advocacy and Public Awareness, World Federation of Neurology; Chair, James Lance-Peter Goadsby Annual Migraine Symposium; Director, Academic Medicine & International Affairs ; Director, Department of Neurology & Stroke Services; Department of Medicine – Western Health, Melbourne Medical School; The University of Melbourne, Australia
Epidemiology of Japanese encephalitis – Dr Susan Hills, Medical Epidemiologist, Arboviral Diseases Branch, Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, USA
Vaccination and prevention of Japanese encephalitis – Dr Lance Turtle, Senior clinical lecturer; Honorary consultant in infectious diseases; University of Liverpool Institute of Infection and Global Health and the Royal Liverpool University Hospital Tropical and Infectious Disease Unit, UK
Managing paediatric patients affected by Japanese encephalitis – Prof. Ajit Rayamajhi, Chief Consultant Paediatrician, Kanti Children Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal
Patient outcomes and quality of life – Dr Ava Easton, CEO Encephalitis International, Honorary Fellow, Dept. of Clinical Infection, Microbiology and Immunology, University of Liverpool, UK
Examples of feedback from the event: “Thank you to all the presenters and healthy discussion amongst the participants. It was an excellent event.” “Absolutely fabulous! thank you! your time & expertise are so appreciated!”

TBE Webinar Masterclass
Webinar: Tick-Borne Encephalitis (TBE) Masterclass 2023
22nd March 2023.
A free two hour webinar on aspects of tick-borne encephalitis for healthcare professionals of all levels.
Welcome – Dr Ava Easton, CEO Encephalitis International, Dept. of Clinical Infection, Microbiology and Immunology University of Liverpool UK
Epidemiology of Tick-Bore Encephalitis – Prof Dr Gerhard Dobler – National Reference Laboratory for TBE, Bundeswehr Institute
of Mikrobiology, München, Germany
Prevention, Diagnosis and Management of Tick-Bore Encephalitis in Adults – Winifred Mercer Pitkin Assistant Professor Kiran Thakur, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, USA
Diagnosis and management of Tick-Borne Encephalitis in Children – Dr Asa Fowler, Paediatric Emergency Department, Astrid Lindgren Children´s Hospital, Karolinska University Hospital, Sweden
Outcomes and quality of life – Dr Ava Easton, CEO Encephalitis International, Dept. of Clinical Infection, Microbiology and Immunology, University of Liverpool UK
Vaccination and TBE – Dr Christian Taucher, Valneva, Austria
Travel health and TBE – Jane Chiodini MBE, Independent Travel Health Specialist Nurse
Event kindly supported by Bavarian Nordic

Webinar: Diagnostics of viral encephalitis
This webinar is aimed at all medical professionals who are involved in the acute management of patients with viral encephalitis.
It covers the initial management of all patients with suspected encephalitis, up to the point of diagnosis, in an acute care setting, and the challenges of diagnostics. It also presents the latest findings on the Covid-19 and the neurological manifestations/complications.
The webinar is presented by Dr Benedict Michael, Vice chair of Encephalitis International; Reader and MRC Clinician Scientist at The NIHR Health Protection Research Unit for Emerging and Zoonotic Infection and an Honorary Consultant Neurologist at The Walton Centre.
This information resources was supported from an educational grant from bioMerieux!
Webinar: Vaccine-preventable Encephalitis Webinar
This webinar was part of the Encephalitis International Vaccine Prevention Campaign which coincides with the World Immunization Week (24th – 30th April). The webinar aimed to raise healthcare professional’s understanding of five key vaccine-preventable encephalitis types: Japanese Encephalitis (JE), Tick-borne Encephalitis (TBE), Influenza-associated Encephalitis, Varicella-zoster Virus (VZV) Encephalitis and Measles Encephalitis.
Chair and Speakers:
Chair: Assoc Professor Kiran Thakur
Japanese encephalitis: Dr Sarah McGuinness,
Varicella Zoster and encephalitis: Professor Benedict Michael
Influenza associate encephalitis: Dr Rachel Kneen
Measles and encephalitis: Professor Ming Lim
Tick-borne encephalitis: Dr Ralph Torgler