Gift in Will - Leave a Legacy to Encephalitis International
Encephalitis International does not receive any statutory funds and we rely heavily on the generosity of our donors: individuals, organisations, corporations and trusts whose efforts are greatly appreciated. As you may know, our mission is to build better futures by driving research, accelerating awareness, and saving lives.
Many charities, like us, depend on gifts in Wills to survive. Of course, you may need and want to provide for your loved ones, but you can give much of your estate to family/friends and still leave an impactful and lasting legacy to a cause close to your heart.
One of the most profound ways you can support Encephalitis International long into the future is to leave us a gift in your Will – it can improve sustainability and bring hope for future generations. We even offer UK residents the opportunity to write their Will for free, whether or not they decided to leave us a gift.

By supporting Encephalitis International with a legacy gift, you will help us achieve:
increased awareness of encephalitis and its impact;
a dedicated support service and accredited information for anyone affected;
resources and training opportunities for medical professionals;
life-saving research – we fund £100,000 of research each year;
better encephalitis diagnostics, improved treatment and more effective after-care.
No - and the amount is completely up to you. Any amount will make a difference.
When it comes to leaving a bequest, you have a couple options:
• Name Encephalitis International as the primary beneficiary for a specific monetary amount, or specific valuable assets (see more below).
• Allocate a percentage - rather than an amount - of your total estate to leave to us. This can help protect legacy gifts from being devalued by inflation.
Many people choose to leave money to a charity in their Will, but you can give any of your assets to a non-profit like Encephalitis International.
This includes:
• Financial assets - like cash, stocks and bonds.
• Real estate - you can even donate your house, or a percentage / fixed amount from the sale of your house.
• Personal property - such as your vehicle, jewellery, artwork, etc.
• Non-probate assets - like your life insurance policy or pension fund.
You need to decide what kind of beneficiary you want us to be, if you wish to leave a legacy to Encephalitis International.
You can choose from:
• Primary beneficiary - we will receive whatever assets you assign to is, for example, a cash gift of a certain amount.
• Secondary beneficiary - if your primary beneficiary passes away before you, your estate would go to the next beneficiary in line. For example, you might choose your spouse / family member as a primary beneficiary but then name Encephalitis International as the secondary beneficiary.
• Residuary beneficiary - we will receive any assets that you didn’t specifically name a beneficiary for in your Will.
How to Leave a Legacy Gift to Encephalitis International
Wunmi's Legacy
“I usually refer to this dreadful condition as a ‘thief of self’ because it took so much away from me. Encephalitis International is a lifesaver, I really do not know how I would have coped with the new me without the information and support from Encephalitis International. Leaving a gift in my Will is a no-brainer!”