Freya Hopper
Observer Trustee
Freya Hopper works as Senior Strategy Manager at a leading global coalition working to combat epidemic and pandemic infectious disease threats, with a focus on equitable access and the Global South. She is a global health strategy professional, with over 10 years’ experience.
She has worked extensively within the international ecosystem for global health, including with the WHO, major public and philanthropic funders, and research-focussed organisations. She is passionate about advancing equitable access to health solutions, with respectful engagement and empowerment of affected regions, countries, and communities.
Freya first encountered encephalitis during the 2016 Zika Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC), which started in Brazil. Encephalitis is a marker syndrome of new and emerging infections for numerous pathogens – including several that she currently works on, such as Nipah virus, which kills up to 75% of the people it infects. She became involved in Encephalitis International in 2024, alongside the launch of the international strategy.
Freya currently lives with her partner near the Peak District. She loves going for walks, singing, reading, and travelling.