The Role of Hope in those recovering from an Acquired Brain Injury
What is the study about?
Emily is interested in finding out what can predict a sense of hopefulness for people after they have experienced a brain injury.
What will it involve?
The study involves completing some questionnaires that will ask you about your age, your gender, your brain injury, your experiences of working towards goals you have set, and your experiences of shame, blame and guilt.
Who can take part?
People who are over the age of 18 that have had an acquired brain injury, such as encephalitis (including stroke). If the injury was mild, please wait 3 months post injury to take part. If it was severe, please wait 12 months. Unfortunately, you are unable to take part if you are under 18, have a degenerative condition (such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease or dementia), you have a terminal illness, or if you require a translator. You must also have the mental capacity to make informed decisions regarding your participation.
How can I register my interest?
You can find out more about the study and information on how to take part by searching the link below
You can contact Emily at: if you have any questions.