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Dr Matteo Gastaldi

Head of the Neuroimmunology Research Unit in Pavia and the Co-head of the Neuroimmunology Diagnostic Laboratory.

Dr Matteo Gastaldi is a neurologist specialised in the treatment of antibody mediated disorders of the nervous system including Myasthenia Gravis, MOGAD and NMOSD and Autoimmune Encephalitis.

He trained in Neurology and obtained a PhD from the University of Pavia. During his PhD he attended as research fellow the Neuroimmunology Laboratory at NDCN in Oxford for a year supervised by Professor Angela Vincent.

Later, he spent three months as a research fellow in the neuroimmunology laboratory in IDIBAPS in Barcelona under the supervision of Francesc Graus and Josep Dalmau.

During these experiences Matteo acquired skills in the implementation of immunological assays for the detection of neuroglial antibodies.

Since 2021, he is the Head of the Neuroimmunology Research Unit in Pavia and the Co-head of the Neuroimmunology Diagnostic Laboratory. He is also involved in patient care and performs once a week a neuroimmunology clinic dedicated to patients with antibody mediated disorders of the nervous system.

Page Created: 15 November 2023
Last Modified: 16 April 2024
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