Encephalitis in Adults: A Guide
This guide was developed after consultation with and feedback received from people affected by encephalitis and their families, volunteers and professionals.
The production of this publication was supported by the National Lottery-Community Fund.
THANK YOU! Your contribution enabled us to produce this much-needed resource.
Encephalitis in Children: A Guide
This guide provides information about encephalitis in children
from types of encephalitis, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment to
recovery, rehabilitation and returning to school.
The guide is a very comprehensive resource which follows the child’s
journey from the hospital ward to the rehabilitation setting, school
and home. However, it is designed in a format in which families can
dip into as and when they need it to avoid being overwhelmed by
the information.
The aim of this guide is to enable families and children to
understand what has happened to them, make informed decisions
regarding their child’s care, treatment and recovery, and also find
ways of coping with the life changes brought by this illness.
We hope you find this guide useful. If you have any questions or any
feedback please get in touch with us: support@encephalitis.info
or +44 (0)1653 699599.