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What are caregivers’ experiences of having a partner with anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis: from symptom onset to current day?

New research looking at understanding caregiver experiences of having a partner with anti-NMDAR encephalitis. 

Hayley Grantham – Trainee Clinical Psychologist, University of Southampton

What is the research about?

We hope to find out about caregivers’ experiences – from the early stages of their loved one’s first symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, discharge into the community, and recovery journey.

What is the participant criteria?

  • Have cared for a spouse with anti NMDA receptor encephalitis within the last 5 years.
  • Have been in a relationship with their spouse for at least 6 months before the onset of initial symptoms to be able to accurately identify any change in usual functioning including personality changes.
  • Your loved one with anti-NMDAR encephalitis must have been discharged from hospital  for at least 3 months so that you as the caregiver have had the time to reflect on experiences of discharge and current recovery.
  • Participants must have access to a computer and be able to use Microsoft Teams for the interview.
  • Participants must be English speaking and residents in the UK during their loved one’s encephalitis symptom onset through to their hospital discharge.

What does taking part involve?

Those who match the eligibility criteria for the study will be invited to participate in an online interview to discuss their experiences. The interview is estimated to last approximately 1 hour.

Why should you take part?

Your participation will contribute to the understanding of the experiences of carers of people with anti-NMDAR encephalitis in the UK. it is hoped this will help inform how services can best support caregivers.

Is my time reimbursed?

Those who participate in the interviews will be given a £30 voucher for their time.

Interested in finding out more?

Please contact Hayley Grantham,  who will then get in touch to provide more information and check eligibility. 

Page Created: 2 September 2024
Last Modified: 2 September 2024
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