Considering an Anonymous Donation to Encephalitis International?
Please see below a number of options for making an anonymous donation to Encephalitis International, should you prefer not to use our online Donation Form.

FAQs - collection of personal information from our supporters
Names and addresses are used on Encephalitis International's website donation form to identify supporters and donors in line with fundraising best practice and the 'Know Your Donor' approach outlined by the Chartered Institute of Fundraising. These guidelines help to prevent fraud and money laundering.
Your postal address is also required should you wish to Gift Aid your donation (applicable to UK taxpayers only).
Email addresses allow us to provide a donation receipt, which many of our supporters wish to have for their personal finance records.
We may also use your name, address and email to match with any historical donations you might have made. This ensures our records are up to date and allows those who wish to keep up to date with our work to continue receiving our communications.
The majority of our supporters are happy for us to record their details in this way and so our website donation form links to our supporter database automatically. This saves lots of administration time for our Fundraising Team, leaving us more opportunities for other vital fundraising efforts.
We appreciate not everyone who wishes to support us will want to provide these details, but this isn't possible using the online Donation Form. We hope you'll understand the reasons why. You can request your personal details be anonymized following your donation (see more in the following section), or make a donation using one of the alternative methods outlined.
That's completely up to you.
We would like to say thank you for your donation and provide information on the work that we do - the latest encephalitis related news, campaigns, appeals, events and research. You can select 'YES' to grant permission for us to contact you by email, by telephone, or by both methods.
If you choose not to ‘stay in touch’ - i.e. you don't tick the box next to 'YES, Encephalitis International can contact me via EMAIL/TELEPHONE' - we will only send you an email receipt to acknowledge the donation amount has been received.* No attempt to contact you for any other reason will be made.
* If you opt to support us with a monthly donation, please note that you will receive further email notifications to remind you when these payments are due to be taken from your account and email notifications relating to any changes you make to this arrangement in the future.
No, not without your permission to do so.
If we wanted to publish your personal details in relation to our work then we would seek your permission first. Otherwise, the details you provide via our online Donation Form are only available to the Encephalitis International team members they are relevant to (e.g. finance team, fundraising team).
If you choose to donate to Encephalitis International via another online fundraising platform - e.g. JustGiving, Enthuse, The Big Give - then you have the option to share your personal details with us, if you wish to. You will also be given the option to display your name and donation amount on the relevant webpage, or to have this displayed as 'anonymous'.
Why might we want to share donors' personal details, like their name?
• To make a public declaration of thanks!
• To show who's supporting a particular project, or initiative (especially relevant to trusts and foundations, or corporate donors).
• To encourage others to donate too - personalising donations and support can inspire others on a much greater scale.
The only record of bank transactions we hold are as displayed on our bank statements. For example, the account name, reference (if provided) and amount relating to a BACS transfer, paid by a supporter into one of our accounts.
Credit or credit card details provided when you use the Donation Form or online Shop on our website, or when you provide these over the telephone, are processed via a verified third party called Stripe. Direct Debit details provided (by UK supporters for regular donations) are processed via a verified third party called GoCardless. The team at Encephalitis International do not store or have access to these details.
You can contact us via telephone by calling:
+44(0)1653 692 583
We're based in the UK, so generally available:
Monday to Thursday 9am to 5pm (GMT)
Friday 9am to 4.30pm (GMT)
Anonymize Your Donation
You can make a donation via our online Donation Form and then request that it be anonymized.
This would enable us to collect the data as per best practice 'Know Your Donor' guidelines, so it's recorded but only accessible if required for audit or lawful purposes.
You can contact us via telephone by calling:
+44(0)1653 692 583
Donate via JustGiving
We regularly use JustGiving as a verified online fundraising platform for various appeals and campaigns. Many of our community fundraisers also use it to raise sponsorship or donations on our behalf.
JustGiving let you choose whether to display your name and/or donation amount. You can also choose if you wish to share your details with us, or not.
If you wish to GIFT AID (applicable to UK taxpayers only), you can do so via JustGiving without sharing your postal address with us. JustGiving process all the Gift Aid claims and then forward the money to us.
Donate via Charities Aid Foundation (CAF)
You can donate via Charities Aid Foundation using your own CAF account, a debit card, a credit card or PayPal.
If you'd prefer to donate anonymously you can choose to do so.
Make a Bank Transfer
To make a donation via a bank to bank transfer, or to pay in to our account directly, you can request our nominated account.
You can contact us via telephone by calling: +44(0)1653 692583
You can email us via:
Donate via Payroll Giving / GAYE
Payroll Giving - also referred to as Give As You Earn (GAYE) - offers a simple, hassle-free, and tax-efficient method for making regular donations to Encephalitis International. Depending on the platform used, anonymous donations may be possible.
Ask your employer if donations via deductions from your pay / salary are available to investigate your options.