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Considering an Anonymous Donation to Encephalitis International?

Please see below a number of options for making an anonymous donation to Encephalitis International, should you prefer not to use our online Donation Form.

Person holding white, cube donation box.

FAQs - collection of personal information from our supporters

Anonymize Your Donation

You can make a donation via our online Donation Form and then request that it be anonymized.

This would enable us to collect the data as per best practice 'Know Your Donor' guidelines, so it's recorded but only accessible if required for audit or lawful purposes.

You can contact us via telephone by calling:
+44(0)1653 692 583

Donate via JustGiving

We regularly use JustGiving as a verified online fundraising platform for various appeals and campaigns. Many of our community fundraisers also use it to raise sponsorship or donations on our behalf.

JustGiving let you choose whether to display your name and/or donation amount. You can also choose if you wish to share your details with us, or not.

If you wish to GIFT AID (applicable to UK taxpayers only), you can do so via JustGiving without sharing your postal address with us. JustGiving process all the Gift Aid claims and then forward the money to us.

Donate via Charities Aid Foundation (CAF)

You can donate via Charities Aid Foundation using your own CAF account, a debit card, a credit card or PayPal.

If you'd prefer to donate anonymously you can choose to do so.

Make a Bank Transfer

To make a donation via a bank to bank transfer, or to pay in to our account directly, you can request our nominated account.

You can contact us via telephone by calling: +44(0)1653 692583

You can email us via:

Donate via Payroll Giving / GAYE

Payroll Giving - also referred to as Give As You Earn (GAYE) - offers a simple, hassle-free, and tax-efficient method for making regular donations to Encephalitis International. Depending on the platform used, anonymous donations may be possible.

Ask your employer if donations via deductions from your pay / salary are available to investigate your options.

Page Created: 24 January 2025
Last Modified: 5 February 2025
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